Monday, 25 August 2008


The rudder is located on the tail of the airplane, but in general upward and allows turning the plane around the vertical axis, a movement of the nose to the left or right (driving on the ground). The rudder is controlled by pedals, keyboard with the keys 0 and Enter number block. The rudder is rarely used alone, since the air turns a roll of the airplane (a tilt of a wing) the stable and cheaper energy alternative. Only in extreme ground, e.g. Ausschweben in just before placing in the landing, when a roll is not possible, because a wing on the ground up what could be the direction control with the help of the page Ruders. If at higher speeds the rudder ausgelenkt, rotates the aircraft fuselage, flight direction will only be minimal. As a result, the plane ride the wind opposition his side, leading to large air resistance. A curve this first flight is not achieved. However, one of the side Ausschlagen Ruders, that the "kurvenäußere" wings moved a little faster and thus gets more lift, while the "kurveninnere" in the wind shadow of the fuselage, and less lift. As a result, there is a roll of the airplane in the direction of the controlled side Ruders, one speaks of a positive sliding roll-torque (= rudder-secondary).

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