Thursday, 21 August 2008


It is possible that we have ever wondered why that fellow there puts a groin raft on the edge of the wing to wedge out, or why the same aircraft model once planned fall majestically and other stones as they cut the engine, Or why sometimes a model flies with its tail low, as descent and another with the fuselage perfectly horizontal or rising from its rear. All these behaviors are often due to the value of the angles QUEPOS aerodynamic elements of our aircraft. After addressing our advice we are confident that we will be able to improve a little our capacity design, or at least understand what happens and what corrective measures should be implemented. When an airplane flies into balance, or horizontal speed and uniform, all its forces are in balance. On the one hand, the strength of support must be equal to the weight of the aircraft over the remaining forces acting downwards, they are 'The possibility of a vertical downward thrust of the engine over a possible component of the elevator that can lift or subtracted join the lift as the wing position to occupy the centre of gravity of the model regarding the center wing pressures. Also, the horizontal component of force pushing the engine is balanced with the force of resistance to advancing all components of the airplane wing, fuselage, train, and so on. Role of Flight stable horizontal stabilizer of an aircraft could represent as a lever on a fixed point-the centre of gravity and subject-by one end with a spring-stabilizer relatively flexible. Somewhere put a weight-lift-variable that will determine the final position that will take our leverage. If the lift is applied just above the centre of gravity of the model, the horizontal lever remain inactive and the pier. If placed at the side of the cargo lift and not "far away" from the center of gravity, the lever will take a certain angle retained by the spring that is compressed or stretched a limited amount. If the lift is very far from the center of gravity, the pier should bear excessive deformation and "upset". It would be an extreme situation of loss of stability. When we act on the elevator what we are doing in our example is figured tighten or loosen the pier end of the lever thereby causing a change in the angle of stability that until then had our leverage. Having regard in this way would simplify the problem, we should just put the center of gravity low pressure center (where applicable lift in the Perfili to achieve a stable flight. However, there is a very peculiar nuance in the profiles commonly used in our models, because with the increase in the angle of attack, not only increases the value of the strength of support but the point of application moves to the leading edge, leading to a disturbance, must be our stabilizer Strongly enough to contain these changes-even before it can advance the instability when it is already practically irreversible stall. Effects engine .- If our model is capable of flying nearly horizontal flight plan without applying the minimum traction, we can assume that with a small increase in speed and is capable of flying horizontally or even rise (sustentaci6n is proportional to the square of the speed). The traction of, say as an example, a motorcycle sailboat initiation is very small and these sailboats rise very gently and with virtually no disruption in a plane should take off and land traction is much higher and can increase the speed long enough to provoke strong increases in the lift. These increases lift can be translated into a destabilization, remember the resemblance of the lever, and strong attack as they pressure the center is usually placed in front of the centre of gravity, this triggers, by increasing the angle of attack a shift forward from the centre of pressures which, in turn, increases the instability and the angle of attack, in a process of whiting that bites its tail leading in many cases to the typical hung takeoff, which tends to leave for lysed pilots not too tanned, too well or not helped. The solution to this situation is having chopped and cut heavily engine early in the hung. The way to ensure that the value of the lift does not increase with increasing speed that causes the traction engine, involves placing the axis of engine looking down at an angle. This causes the traction force has a vertical component that has the dual effect of the one part counteract the force of lift and on the other and more importantly, cause a certain tendency to lower the nose to decrease the angle of attack, And hence the value of sustentaci6n, further delaying the center of pressure, or totally offsetting the adverse effects caused by the engine when its axis is horizontal. What type of flight? - desirable in a model depends as always on the use for which it is intended, an acrobatic should fly at half horizontally and full power and planning at an angle to choice and taste of the pilot, but a coach, a model of sport or a model, even acrobatic should rise gently when the engine is maximum, and fly horizontally with the engine at medium power, but must plan its best performance with the engine idling. Getting this response from an airplane is not too complicated if they continue the steps in the following paragraphs. Flight planned. - A rule that is often forgotten is that an airplane must plan properly when its engine is stopped. The level of management that is achieved with radio today is such that we come to forget the most elementary principles of flight of an airplane, as a base to correct since radio is possible to do anything that flies. V I know as an active practitioner of the sport, there are number of "things" flying these fields. A reasonable height is reduced to a minimum and the engine can be seen if we tap the lever to achieve a depth of glide slope where soft trim and to achieve the same way trimaramos address or spoilers if the plan was not straight. Without touching the trim of the radio model to take the floor and observe if there desviaci6n perceptible helm of depth, applying the following corrections: verify that the center of gravity of the aircraft is between 25 and 33 per 100 of the rope wing By placing lead if necessary in the nose or tail to get it. After this operation will be repeated the test flight and if verification is positive and will have to make one of the following: If the rudder is under "sting" the incidence of the wing is excessive, you should get off the leading edge or raise the output by putting a match where it's convenient. If the helm this high "to rise", the incidence is low wing and must ride the leading edge or lowering output also Footwear, which allows the model. Of course, such solutions are tools' field 'later in the workshop, and once identified all corrections to make the model will require either retallar seat wing if the play is very obvious or fill if it is very small with some "filler" (stuffing) or commercial landlord to get the professional aspect that we like to show in our aircraft. Disturbances. - When the engine has been that the model plan perfectly without engine, we can ensure that everything that happens when we gases will be led by him. So if the model goes up very quickly should increase the chopped engine and whether or low rise very slowly lift the engine; latter happens rarely and only in little motorized models. As a result of these adjustments is possible that our engine look brazenly down but we do not worry, there are models that can take up to 15 6 20 degrees Grinding to behave perfectly. At the same time we have corrected the effects of chopped into the engine, we have seen whether to give gas to test the disturbance of the airplane engine we have been diverted to right or left, this means that the engine pulls the plane towards that side, so we should divert the opposite side. This is explained when we enter into considerations on the curious case of torque Torque. - 'torque' those who say they read publications in English. The torque is the effect of reaction that leads to action by the propeller, and you follow assiduously our magazine and has an engine as any of the tested only has to look at the torque curve of the value obtained by the regime hers, as an example if we assume your engine has quite a few mkg 60 x 10 to 12500 rpm If, moreover, his model has a wingspan of 1,600 mm the effect of torque is the equivalent of putting 75 grams (60/0.8) lead on the far left wing. Lead subliminal, because when it disappears short engine and appears to return to the model diverting gas meter on the left if the engine is zero degrees draught of diversion. The solution seems obvious, and it is right to divert the engine to ensure that the model is not diverted to implement gases. Motor zero .- It is not impossible that a plane fly perfectly with the engine to zero, but this is something much more rare than it seems, the engine option to zero comment we hear often surprising and what appears at many levels , Is not in our view a detail but despised by indolence in many designs. It is wiser-if we do not have the opportunity to perform measurements or evidence needed to use the option MOTOR two (two degrees to sting, two degrees to right) is more rigorous

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