Thursday, 21 August 2008


When the wings are in the form of a horizontal rotor. The air flow over the rotor blades is derived from the combination of rotation of the rotor and the anströmenden air from self-motion and wind. Helicopter Helicopters have one or more driven (almost) horizontal rotors, the buoyancy and jacking. The scheme boosted by the collective rotor blade adjustment, the Lateralbewegung (Vorwärts-/Rückwärts- and Seitwärtsflug) by the rotor blade cyclical adjustment. For most helicopters turn in case of failure of the engine, the rotor blades by the wind, and generate enough lift to the aircraft safely to Notlanden. This principle is called autorotation. Gyroplanes When gyroplanes, also known as "Autogyro", provides a ride through the wind, not by an engine in car driven rotor rotation for the lift. The rotor is functionally replace the rigid wing of the Tragflügelflugzeugs. For the jacking, a train or engine thrust. Flugschrauber Flugschrauber produce the lift on one hand by an engine driven rotor and the thrust of jacking or Zugtriebwerke. The speed of a helicopter is not limited by lack of jacking of the rotor, but by the aerodynamics. Therefore, after some early drafts, pure Flugschrauber never realized, but it has always used wings, so you have to speak of Kombinationsflugschraubern.

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