Monday, 1 September 2008

Actual speed over ground

The ground speed, GS around the wind corrected True air speed. It is the speed of an aircraft relative to the Earth's surface dar. Knowing the ground speed is important because it counterclaim or tailwind to a significant difference between the speed indicator in the cockpit and the actual speed may occur. To shorten the flight in a jet-stream due to the significantly higher ground speed the flying time considerably. Under special circumstances, a low ground speed combined with an excessive display in the cockpit to accidents like the crash of the Stardust on the Andes, or the Birgenair accident. You can speed over the ground by considering the Längskomponente of the wind through wind triangle on the basis of reports of aviation weather stations calculate today but also by modern on-board systems to measure (for example, inertial navigation system, Doppler) or navigation procedures such as GPS.

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